The Purpose Of The Byrnes Scholars
Byrnes Scholars organization is made up of present and former recipients
of The James F. Byrnes Foundation Scholarships. It is separate from,
but an auxiliary to, The Foundation.
The Byrnes Scholars was formed to:
- unify scholarship recipients
- promote the ideals of "Mom" and "Pop" Byrnes
- provide an opportunity for fellowship among scholars
- assist the Foundation as deemed appropriate
Each year The Byrnes Scholars sponsor a luncheon in Columbia, SC, on
the second Saturday in June to honor the new scholarship recipients and
recognize scholars graduating college. The luncheon also serves as the
annual meeting for The Byrnes Scholars.
The Byrnes Scholars is financed through dues of the
members. Annual dues are set at $5 for Scholars who have been graduates
zero to five years, $10 for Scholars who have been graduates six to ten
years and $20 for Scholars who have been graduates eleven or more years.
Dues are required only to meet necessary administrative expenses, and
all funds in excess of the needs of the normal function of The Byrnes
Scholars are paid to The James F. Byrnes Foundation for the continuation
of the Foundation and its functions.
Byrnes Scholars Membership And Officers
Membership in The Byrnes Scholars
is of two types as follows:
Full Voting Membership consists of present and former Byrnes Scholarship
holders who have complied with the requirements for membership.
Honorary Membership consists of those persons who have made special
contributions to The Byrnes Foundation and who have been duly elected
as Honorary Members by the Board of Directors of The Byrnes Scholars.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse Honorary Membership
to any person(s) and/or organization(s) regardless of any contribution
to The Byrnes Foundation. Membership will be extended only to those
persons whose contribution has been accepted and acknowledged by
The Byrnes Foundation. Honorary Members will not have the privilege
of voting at meetings of the members of regular standing of the Board
of Directors. Honorary Membership is not transferable.
The Board of Directors And Officers
The business and property of The Byrnes Scholars is managed by a Board
of Directors consisting of seven members and the Officers. The Board
of Directors, including a student representative, is elected by the members
at the annual meeting (the June luncheon). Directors serve a term of
two years, except for the student representative who serves a one-year
term. The President, Vice-President and Past President serve for six
years total, two years in each position.
Terms of office are staggered so that three Directors and a student
representative are elected each year.
Current Officers of The Byrnes Scholars are:
- Jerrell Rolack, 2016 Scholar, President
- Emily Ouyang, 2017 Scholar, Vice President
- Haven Curtis, 2019 Scholar, Secretary
- Christy Moses, 1996 Scholar, Treasurer
- Kayla Capps, 2006 Scholar,Past President
Current Directors of The Byrnes Scholars are:
- Stephen Canepa, 2019 Scholar
- Ni'Asia Daniels, 2014 Scholar
- Brianna Hardy, 2017 Scholar
- Lauren Owens, 2014 Scholar
- Emma Stone, 2020 Scholar
- Brantley Evans, 2021 Scholar, student representative