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The 1969 Byrnes Scholars Comment

Gayle Durst Beebe graduated from the University of South Carolina. She and her husband have two children, Ryan and Kelly.

Joan Hunt Miller received her BS in education from Winthrop College.

Clarence M. Kibler received his BA in history from the University of South Carolina.

Alanna Turner Bair received her BA in English from Winthrop College and her master's in library science from the University of South Carolina. She and her husband have one daughter, Shanna.

Chris W. Huber graduated from Clemson University with a BS degree in forestry. He is Technical Director and Service Manager-with a major corporation. He is a member of the American Society of Foresters and has two patents registered with the US Patent Office.

Ozey K. Horton Jr is married to the former Sarah Shields. Ozey is a director and management consultant. He graduated cum laude with a BS in engineering from Duke University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Marion Keith Crain graduated from Furman University.

Kaye Scott Acton earned her BS degree in medical technology from Emory University. She is a medical technologist.

Elizabeth Dewitt Hall received her BA and her M.Ed. in secondary education from Clemson. She is an algebra and pre-algebra. She and David have a son, Byran David, who is 14.

Douglas Van Osdell graduated from Clemson University.

Samuel B. Baker Jr earned his BS in zoology from Clemson and his DMD from MUSC. He is a dentist in private practice. He and his wife, Mimbee, have three children, Kemper, Julie, and Samuel.

Deceased: Jessie Gaskins.

2024 Application Process Closed

The application process for 2024 is closed. Scholarship announcements will be posted to the website in early June. The application for 2025 will be available December 2024. Please check back then.

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In return for their generosity and support, Mom and Pop Byrnes asked only two things from us: become the very best people we could become in life, and make sure their legacy of family continues for those who come after us.

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Maude’s Angels is family helping family. It is a network of former Scholars who assist a current Scholar or Alumnus with a need for an item or service.

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The James F. Byrnes Foundation
Post Office Box 6781
Columbia, SC 29260-6781
Tel.: (803) 254-9325