We called her "Mom" though varied names we wore.
We came from many backgrounds to her home;
Yet always with a smile and outstretched hands
She welcomed us as though we were her own.
We called her "Mom" and from the very time
She met us she could call us all by name.
When spoken with her gentle, special touch
Each name took on a glow and fresh acclaim.
We called her "Mom" - and never did a queen
Wear grace so nobly or more like a crown;
The secret of her radiance we called "Pop,"
His love adorned her life like a glorious gown.
We called her "Mom" - first shyly, then with pride;
We somehow knew that to her that meant more
Than all the praise and golden accolades
That destiny had brought to her bright door.
We called her "Mom" and for each one of us
Mom Byrnes will always have a special place;
in treasured memories and in our hearts
She left a living gift of love and grace.
2024 Application Process Closed
The application process for 2024 is closed. Scholarship announcements will be posted to the website in early June. The application for 2025 will be available December 2024. Please check back then.
Donate To The Foundation
In return for their generosity and support, Mom and Pop Byrnes asked only two things from us: become the very best people we could become in life, and make sure their legacy of family continues for those who come after us.
Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to the James F. Byrnes Foundation to secure its ability to invite more deserving young women and men to join the Byrnes family, both now and in the future. The Donate button will take you to the Paypal site where you can use your credit card or Paypal account to make a secure, one-time donation or set up a monthly recurring donation.
Join the Maude's Angels Network
Maude’s Angels is family helping family. It is a network of former Scholars who assist a current Scholar or Alumnus with a need for an item or service.